Thinking of Moving to Surprise, AZ [🚚]|ULTIMATE Living in Surprise

moving to surprise az

This town is in the state of Arizona, located in Maricopa County and Kane County. The area is about 45 miles north of Phoenix.

Population & Demographics

The 2020 population was 139,007 and it is a diverse place to live, with a demographic breakdown of 68.8% White, 20.2% Hispanic, 5% Black or African American and 2.7% Asian. Married couples account for 61.8% of households and 76% of homes house families. Are you wondering if the city is a safe place to live? Total crime is is 60% lower than the national average.

Surprise, AZ Cost of Living

If you’re considering moving, you probably wonder how far your money will go. Is the area affordable? Of course, this will depend on your income and lifestyle, but overall, Surprise is 7.6% more expensive than the national average! Housing is 23% higher than the national average. Transportation is 4% higher than the national average, and groceries are about 2.5% cheaper than the national average.

Homeownership is at about the national average rate. Also, the homeownership rate is 61.8%; the national average is 65.4%. The estimated median sale price for a home is $460,000, an increase of 12.2% since last year. Homes  are selling in about 34 days on the market. Click to see what’s going on with the real estate market.

In Surprise, approximately 21.3% of people rent their homes. The average rent cost is $1823 a month, which is above the national average of $1302.

Surprise, AZ Weather

The average temperature in January is 54.6 degrees, and the average in July is 91.9 degrees. There is about 9 inches of precipitation each year.

Things to Do in Surprise, AZ

There are plenty of options for outside activities. Here are some of the residents’ favorite places to go:


With the nice weather year-round, it’s no surprise that this city is home to many golf courses. Enjoy a round or two!

Try the public courses:

Arizona Traditions Golf Club17225 N Citrus Dr.

18800 Coyote Lake Parkway

17100 W Clearview Blvd.

 Surprise Stadium

Take in a baseball game at Surprise Stadium.

15850 N. Bullard Ave.

Additional Things to Do in and Around Surprise


Surprise Restaurants

There are many great restaurant options. Here are a few of the best-rated places Surprise residents love to dine:

Babbo Italian Eatery

From Lemon Garlic Spaghetti to Alfredo Supremo, there is something for everyone at Babbo Italian Eatery.

16433 W. Bell Rd.

Saigon Kitchen

Try some of the best Vietnamese food in the area at Saigon Kitchen.

14071 W. Bell Rd., Surprise AZ

Surprise, AZ Map

Check out what Surprise has to offer by looking at the map below.

AZ Statistics & Information

Surprise is located in Maricopa County. Its Zip Code is 85335, 85355, 85361, 85374, 85378, 85379, 85387, 85388, 85396.

The city is 110 square miles and is located in the Pacific Standard Time Zone.

Jobs in Surprise, AZ

The median household income is $71,192 per year. Great news – salaries increased by 3.06 % from 2019 to 2020. The most popular jobs are sales & related occupations, office & administrative support, and management occupations. The most prominent industries that employ residents are retail trade, health care & social assistance and educational services. About 7.6% of residents live below the poverty line, which is well below the national average. The demographic most affected by poverty  is women between the ages of 35 and 44.

The average commute time is about 30.7 minutes, which is about 4 minutes more than the national average. About 79% of residents drive alone to work rather than carpool, and 46% of households own two cars. Will you be working in Phoenix and living in Surprise? Your commute will be a breeze! Click here to see what the 29.9-mile drive from Surprise to Phoenix will be like.

Are you looking for employment in the area? Click here to check out what is currently listed on Would you prefer to work for a municipality? The City of Surprise is ready to employ you; they are hiring! Click here to see what positions are currently available. 


The Dysart Unified District serves Surprise. The top-rated schools are Cimarron Springs Middle School, Marley Park Elementary School and Shadow Ridge High School. If parents prefer to send their children to private or parochial schools, there are 27 to choose from and students will also have access to the Regional Library, operated by the Maricopa County Library District.

Pros & Cons

  • Pro: Pleasant weather
  • Pro: Job Opportunities
  • Con: High Cost of Living

Are you moving to Surprise? Hire Surprise’s best-rated professional moving company to ensure an easy transition! Give Folkestad Moving Services a call today at 928-771-2704 to discuss your move! Don’t think Surprise is right for you? Don’t worry, we are a national mover. Click here and check out our list of national movers in your area.